Chapter Four
The very first Deaf event I ever attended was a very interesting experience. It was to be held at one of the local pizza places in the area and a few of my classmates and I were eager to attend. Our professor had explained to us earlier that having experience in the Deaf Community not only would make us better signers but it would provide us with an opportunity to learn from a wonderful group of people so off we went.
When we arrived at the event, and approached the table where the group had been situated I found myself feeling like I had butterflies in my stomach. Seeing the sheer speed in which some were signing made me feel very intimidated. How did they learn how to sign that fast? Would I ever be able to sign at that speed? What if noone understood me when I signed? After all, I was still a novice signer at this point and my interactions with Deaf people were few and far between.
Then again, my comfort zone had been tested ever since I started in this major so why should this time be any different? And, how did I expect to grow as a signer or even as a person if I didn't do things outside of my comfort zone every once and awhile?
This in mind, I found myself loosening up quite a bit and the evening turned out to be a lot of fun. Looking back on this event, I am extremely glad that I went because it was an experience I will never forget and one I am very glad that I had.
If you are considering learning sign language or becoming an interpreter please keep this in mind. The more experience you have in the Deaf Community not only will help you achieve either one of these goals by helping you practice your skills but it will also give you a chance to meet and interact with an amazing group of people that you may not have had the chance to meet anywhere else.
Until next time...happy signing!
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